About ZeroByZawadi

ZeroByZawadi is a part of my personal life journey. In 2012, after almost 4 years of several major breakdowns in my life, I traveled to India where I spent a month doing Ayurveda therapies. It was an intense and profoundly transformational healing process. By the time I was done, I knew my life had hit a major turning point. It was time to totally reinvent myself. I needed to discover my life purpose and find ways to live in alignment with my soul’s destiny. It was time to live in my truth, break my shell, step into my power, and trust that I was on the right path. 

I was at “Zero”– staring at a blank canvas and trusting that in the stillness, the answers would come. That is when ZeroByZawadi was born - through a vision of a Kanga yoga mat bag that appeared in my mind during a morning meditation practice. In that instant, everything started to become clear. I realized that there was a gift in my pain. I remembered what my mother had once said to me – “Claim your name Zawadi”. Zawadi means “gift” in Kiswahili, and the gift of healing is what I felt deeply called to offer others. I didn’t know how at first, but the kanga yoga mat bag was my starting point. This single image represented so many important things in my soul’s evolutionary journey. It was a vessel of hope, inspiration, affirmation, healing, grounding, elevation, love, and deep connection with Self and others. That is what yoga means after all – union. There was more to this yoga bag, however. It brought together the different parts of me – my love for Africa, my commitment to social justice, and my desire and mission to create spaces, conversations, products, and tools that help elevate consciousness and heal humanity. It was an extension of my soul – and hence the inspiration for the name of our “MoYoga Bag”. “Moyo” means “heart/soul” in Kiswahili. 

In addition to yoga and ayurveda, I had tried and experienced the benefits of many other holistic modalities in my quest for healing and I wanted to bring it all together in one physical space that was accessible to as many people as possible. The ZeroByZawadi vision was manifested. Our dream is to build a holistic healing village in Kenya, surrounded by nature, where people can come to heal their minds, bodies, and spirits. As such, every product we create and everything you purchase from us, helps us take one step forward towards manifesting this magical space.

As a social enterprise, we also support the work of Mother Health International, a maternal health organization that is improving and saving the lives of mothers and babies one gentle birth at a time at their beautiful birth center in Attiak Village, in Northern Uganda. 

As an ethical brand, we care about our ecological footprint and social impact. All ZeroByZawadi products are slow-made with love in Kenya. 

Our most recent creation and signature product is our “Sayaris”–intentional, versatile, comfortable, and unique limited-edition pieces that are designed for everyone (all genders, ages, shapes and sizes, including pregnant mamas). We make them using pure cotton East African “kanga” which is the most unique textile in the world. Did you know kangas have been used as tools for communication since the 19thcentury? Every kanga has a unique Swahili “jina” (name) which is like a proverb, saying, affirmation, or message that is often interpreted in different ways by the person giving or receiving them. 

All kanga series are only produced once, making them very special, and are often handed down several generations. I have been carefully curating kangas for over three years now. We only use kangas with words, colors and patterns that are elevating, soothing, and inspiring. When you wear ZeroByZawadi “Sayaris”, you are wearing a powerful intention, and are one of only a handful of people in the world to walk with each piece. 

“Sayari”is my favorite word, and it means “Universe”– so when I wear my Sayaris, they are a daily reminder of life’s infinite and magical possibilities. We are all soul beings, connected to each other and everything in the universe. We are all worthy, and have all the resources we need within us and our communities to take care of all of humanity and the planet we live on. As the South Sudanese proverb says, “Zetna Fi Betna” which means, “The Oil Is Within Us.”  

May you and yours be abundantly blessed.

Zawadi Nyong’o
Founder & Creative Director